Shoppable Posts: Everything You Need To Know

Explore shoppable posts on Instagram and how they enable brands to tag products in their posts, making it easier for users to shop.

What Are Instagram Shoppable Posts?

Instagram Shoppable Posts are a feature on the platform that allows businesses and creators to tag products in their photos or videos, making it easy for users to purchase them directly from the post. When a product is tagged, viewers can tap on the tag to see more details such as the price and product description, and then proceed to buy the product within the Instagram app or through the seller's website. This seamless shopping experience is designed to reduce the steps a consumer needs to take from discovery to purchase, thereby potentially increasing sales for businesses.

For example, a fashion influencer can post a photo wearing a dress and tag the item. Followers who like the dress can tap the tag, see its price, and click to buy it without leaving Instagram.

How Do You Set Up Shoppable Posts on Instagram?

To set up Shoppable Posts, an Instagram business account is required. The account must be connected to a Facebook Catalog, which can be created and managed through Facebook Business Manager. Once the catalog is linked, products can be tagged in Instagram posts and stories. It's important to note that Instagram must approve the business account for shopping features, which involves meeting the platform's commerce eligibility requirements. After approval, tagging products is as straightforward as tagging a person in a post.

An example of setting up would be a local boutique linking their product catalog to their Instagram profile and tagging the clothes they post about, allowing followers to shop their collection directly.

What Are the Benefits of Using Shoppable Posts for Brands?

Shoppable Posts provide a plethora of benefits for brands on Instagram. They streamline the shopping process, making it easier for users to make purchases without leaving the app. This convenience can lead to higher conversion rates and increased sales. Additionally, Shoppable Posts can enhance the shopping experience by providing product information in a familiar social media environment. They also offer valuable insights through Instagram's analytics, allowing brands to track the performance of their tagged products and understand consumer behavior better.

For instance, a beauty brand could see which lipstick shade is the most popular based on the number of taps and purchases from their Shoppable Posts, informing future product development and marketing strategies.

Dos and Don'ts of Shoppable Posts


  • Ensure your product images are high-quality and visually appealing to grab attention and showcase your items effectively.
  • Provide clear and concise product descriptions and pricing to facilitate the shopping experience for your followers.
  • Use relevant hashtags and tagging features to increase the discoverability of your shoppable posts.


  • Overwhelm your audience with too many shoppable posts, which can lead to unfollows due to perceived spamminess.
  • Forget to update your inventory information, leading to customer frustration if items are out of stock.
  • Ignore the analytics and feedback from your shoppable posts, as they are crucial for understanding your audience and optimizing future content.

How to Create Shoppable Posts on Instagram

1. Set Up a Business Account

Before you can create shoppable posts on Instagram, you need to have a business account. If you don't have one already, you can easily convert your personal account into a business account.

2. Connect Your Instagram Account to a Facebook Page

In order to enable shopping features on your Instagram posts, you need to connect your Instagram account to a Facebook Page. This allows you to tag products and create shoppable posts.

3. Create a Product Catalog

Next, you'll need to create a product catalog on Facebook. This catalog will contain all the products you want to tag in your shoppable posts. You can either manually add products or use an e-commerce platform integration.

4. Enable Shopping on Instagram

Once your product catalog is set up, you need to enable shopping on your Instagram account. Go to your Instagram settings, tap on "Business" and then select "Shopping". Follow the prompts to complete the setup.

5. Tag Products in Your Posts

Now that everything is set up, you can start tagging products in your Instagram posts. When creating a new post, tap on "Tag Products" and select the products you want to tag from your product catalog.

6. Provide Product Details

After tagging a product, you'll need to provide details such as the name and price. This information will be displayed when users tap on the tagged product in your post.

7. Monitor Performance and Optimize

Once you have shoppable posts running, it's important to monitor their performance. Use Instagram Insights to track engagement, clicks, and conversions. Based on the data, you can optimize your posts and improve your results.

What Are Ideas for Shoppable Posts

1. How to Optimize Shoppable Posts for Increased Sales

Learn how to maximize the potential of shoppable posts on Instagram to boost your sales. Discover strategies for creating compelling product images, writing persuasive captions, and optimizing your shoppable tags.

  • Create visually appealing product images that highlight the key features and benefits.
  • Write engaging captions that provide value and encourage users to make a purchase.
  • Use relevant hashtags to increase the discoverability of your shoppable posts.
  • Regularly monitor and analyze the performance of your shoppable posts to identify areas for improvement.
  • Collaborate with influencers or brand ambassadors to promote your shoppable posts and reach a wider audience.

2. How to Drive Traffic to Your Shoppable Posts

Discover effective strategies to drive traffic to your shoppable posts on Instagram and increase the chances of conversions. Learn how to leverage Instagram's features and external channels to attract more potential customers.

  • Promote your shoppable posts through Instagram Stories to create a sense of urgency and exclusivity.
  • Utilize Instagram's Explore page by using relevant hashtags and engaging with the community.
  • Share your shoppable posts on other social media platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter, to reach a wider audience.
  • Collaborate with complementary brands or influencers to cross-promote each other's shoppable posts.
  • Optimize your website or landing page to provide a seamless shopping experience for users who click on your shoppable posts.

3. How to Create Engaging Shoppable Posts

Learn how to create visually appealing and engaging shoppable posts that capture the attention of your audience. Discover tips and tricks to make your products stand out and encourage users to take action.

  • Use high-quality images that showcase your products in the best possible light.
  • Add interactive elements, such as GIFs or videos, to make your shoppable posts more engaging.
  • Include clear and concise call-to-actions that prompt users to click on the shoppable tags.
  • Experiment with different product angles, compositions, and backgrounds to find the most visually appealing combination.
  • Consider using user-generated content to showcase your products in real-life situations.

4. How to Measure the Success of Your Shoppable Posts

Discover how to track and measure the success of your shoppable posts on Instagram. Learn about key metrics and tools that can help you evaluate the performance of your shoppable posts and make data-driven decisions.

  • Monitor the click-through rate (CTR) of your shoppable posts to assess their effectiveness in driving traffic to your website.
  • Analyze the conversion rate of your shoppable posts to understand how many users are actually making a purchase.
  • Use Instagram Insights or third-party analytics tools to gather data on engagement, reach, and impressions of your shoppable posts.
  • Compare the performance of different shoppable posts to identify trends and patterns.
  • Make adjustments to your shoppable posts based on the insights gathered to optimize their performance.

5. How to Enhance the User Experience of Your Shoppable Posts

Learn how to provide a seamless and enjoyable user experience for your audience when interacting with your shoppable posts. Discover best practices for designing intuitive navigation, optimizing loading times, and ensuring a secure checkout process.

  • Organize your shoppable posts into relevant categories or collections to make it easier for users to find what they're looking for.
  • Optimize the loading times of your shoppable posts by compressing images and minimizing unnecessary scripts.
  • Ensure a secure and user-friendly checkout process by integrating trusted payment gateways and providing clear instructions.
  • Implement a responsive design that adapts to different screen sizes and devices.
  • Solicit feedback from your audience to identify any pain points or areas for improvement in the user experience of your shoppable posts.