Instagram Analytics: Everything You Need To Know

Explore Instagram Analytics, a tool that provides detailed insights into an influencer's audience demographics, engagement, and content performance.

What Are Instagram Analytics?

Instagram Analytics, also known as Insights, is a feature available to Instagram Business and Creator accounts that provides data about content performance, audience demographics, and engagement on the platform. This tool helps influencers and businesses track the success of their posts, stories, and overall account activity. By analyzing metrics such as reach, impressions, follower growth, and engagement rate, users can refine their content strategy to better align with their audience's preferences and behaviors.

For example, if an influencer notices that videos receive more engagement than photos, they might choose to focus more on video content. Similarly, understanding the times when their audience is most active on Instagram can help in scheduling posts to maximize visibility.

How Can Influencers Use Instagram Analytics to Grow Their Following?

Influencers can leverage Instagram Analytics to grow their following by analyzing which types of content resonate most with their audience and adjusting their content strategy accordingly. Engagement metrics such as likes, comments, shares, and saves are indicators of what content performs well. Additionally, audience insights can inform influencers about their followers' demographics, including age, gender, location, and when they are most active on Instagram. This information is crucial for tailoring content to the audience's interests and posting at optimal times to increase reach and visibility.

An influencer might notice that posts featuring certain products or lifestyle content generate more interest, prompting them to create more of such content. They might also collaborate with brands that align with their audience's preferences, based on the demographic insights.

What Key Metrics Should Be Monitored in Instagram Analytics?

Key metrics to monitor in Instagram Analytics include engagement rate, reach, impressions, follower growth, and website clicks for those who have linked their website or a landing page. The engagement rate is a critical metric as it measures how actively involved with your content your audience is. Reach and impressions indicate the total number of unique users who have seen your post and the total number of times your post has been displayed, respectively. Monitoring follower growth can provide insights into the effectiveness of your content strategy, while website clicks can help measure the conversion from your Instagram activity to website traffic or sales.

For instance, a sudden spike in follower growth could indicate that a particular post or series of posts has been particularly effective, or that a shoutout from another account has expanded your visibility. Tracking website clicks is especially important for influencers engaged in affiliate marketing or direct sales through their profile.

Dos and Don'ts of Instagram Analytics


  • Do analyze your audience demographics to tailor your content effectively.
  • Do track engagement rates to understand what content resonates with your followers.
  • Do use Instagram Insights to monitor trends and optimize your posting schedule.


  • Don't ignore the data on follower activity; it's crucial for planning your content strategy.
  • Don't get fixated on vanity metrics like follower count; focus on engagement and conversion rates.
  • Don't forget to compare your performance against industry benchmarks for a realistic perspective.

How to Use Instagram Analytics to Improve Your Strategy

1. Accessing Instagram Analytics

Instagram Analytics is a powerful tool that provides valuable insights into your Instagram account's performance. To access it, you need to have an Instagram Business or Creator account. Once you have the appropriate account type, you can access Instagram Analytics by tapping on the Insights tab on your profile.

2. Understanding Impressions and Reach

Impressions and reach are two important metrics in Instagram Analytics. Impressions refer to the total number of times your posts have been seen, while reach represents the unique number of accounts that have seen your content. Understanding these metrics can help you gauge the overall visibility and reach of your Instagram posts.

3. Analyzing Engagement Metrics

Engagement metrics such as likes, comments, and saves provide insights into how your audience is interacting with your content. By analyzing these metrics, you can identify which types of posts resonate the most with your audience and tailor your content strategy accordingly.

4. Tracking Follower Growth

Instagram Analytics allows you to track your follower growth over time. By monitoring this metric, you can identify trends and patterns in your follower count, helping you understand the effectiveness of your content and marketing efforts.

5. Discovering Audience Demographics

Instagram Analytics provides valuable information about your audience demographics, including their age, gender, and location. Understanding your audience demographics can help you create targeted content that resonates with your specific audience segments.

6. Monitoring Instagram Stories Performance

Instagram Analytics also offers insights into the performance of your Instagram Stories. You can track metrics such as impressions, reach, taps forward, taps back, and exits to understand how your Stories are performing and optimize your storytelling strategy.

7. Utilizing Instagram Insights for Ad Campaigns

If you're running Instagram ad campaigns, Instagram Analytics provides valuable data to measure their effectiveness. You can track metrics such as impressions, reach, clicks, and conversions to optimize your ad campaigns and achieve better results.

What Are Ideas for Instagram Analytics?

1. Tracking Engagement Metrics

One idea for Instagram analytics is to track engagement metrics such as likes, comments, and shares. This can help you understand which posts are resonating with your audience and optimize your content strategy accordingly.

  • Monitor the number of likes and comments on each post
  • Track the reach and impressions of your posts
  • Analyze the engagement rate to identify your most engaging content
  • Compare the performance of different hashtags and captions
  • Identify the top performing posts and replicate their success

2. Analyzing Follower Growth

Another idea for Instagram analytics is to analyze your follower growth over time. This can help you understand the effectiveness of your growth strategies and identify any patterns or trends.

  • Track the number of new followers gained each day, week, or month
  • Analyze the sources of your new followers (e.g., organic, paid, collaborations)
  • Identify the content or campaigns that drive the highest follower growth
  • Monitor the follower churn rate to identify any issues with audience retention
  • Adjust your growth strategies based on the insights gained

3. Understanding Audience Demographics

Understanding the demographics of your Instagram audience is crucial for targeting your content and optimizing your marketing efforts. Analyzing audience demographics can provide valuable insights into who your followers are and what content resonates with them.

  • Analyze the age, gender, and location distribution of your followers
  • Identify the interests and preferences of your audience
  • Segment your audience based on demographics for targeted campaigns
  • Monitor changes in audience demographics over time
  • Use the insights to tailor your content and messaging to better connect with your audience

4. Tracking Instagram Stories Performance

Instagram Stories have become a popular feature for sharing content and engaging with followers. Tracking the performance of your Instagram Stories can help you understand which types of stories resonate with your audience and optimize your storytelling strategy.

  • Monitor the completion rate of your stories
  • Analyze the engagement metrics (e.g., taps forward, taps back, replies) for each story
  • Identify the most engaging story formats and themes
  • Experiment with different interactive features (e.g., polls, questions) to boost engagement
  • Use the insights to create more compelling and engaging stories

5. Competitor Analysis

Analyzing your competitors' Instagram performance can provide valuable insights and inspiration for your own strategy. By understanding what works for your competitors, you can identify opportunities and refine your own approach.

  • Monitor the engagement metrics of your competitors' posts
  • Analyze their content strategy, including the types of posts and themes they use
  • Identify the hashtags and captions that perform well for them
  • Track their follower growth and audience demographics
  • Use the insights to differentiate your content and stay ahead of the competition